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Engineering & Consultancy services

Our main fields of expertise are power generation plants, street lighting systems, smart city development and building energy efficiency.

We boast several projects over the decades, starting with some important renewable energy plants, mostly solar source, accross public lighting and facilities, video surveillance implementation, energy services and smart remote control.

At last but not least, we provide both public and private clients colsuntancy and integrated building technology engineering services.

Public lighting systems

  • Street ligting renovation
  • Monumental lighting
  • Technological up graduation
  • GPS mapping and database (GIS)

Built Heritage

  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy auditing and energy performance certification

Renewable Energies

  • Large scale solar farms
  • Industrial power plants
  • Wind power plants

Biomass Plants

  • Civil works
  • Electrical works

Engineering and Consulting services

  • Permitting services
  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
  • Hydraulic Compatibility Assessment

Framework agreements

  • Public lighting
  • eMobility
  • B2G/B2B engineering services
  • Design review